Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 3. a bit of a struggle

So I was able to accomplish another scrap book page, however, getting it photographed was a bit of a problem. By the time I got to the scrap book today it was dark outside, and we all know how taking a picture at night turns out. So I have decided to blog about my page but post the picture to this post tomorrow. I apologize for any of you who were just dying to find out what I've done today. :) I have found that this project goal of mine has made me feel more accomplished and feel better about myself. I also have found that with how busy my life is now with working a full time job and working a Stampin Up business and then going to school full time online... I have managed to fit in some time for this blogging/project goal that I didn't think I had.

Truly time is a gift. What we do with it is what matters most. I spent today with my daughter Abigail to make her last few days off track from school memorable. We started off by taking the car and getting it washed, she loves to do the tires with the big brush. Then we vacuumed it. she had a great time even though the vacuum kept getting her dress. Then we went to McDonald's for lunch so she could play on the toys since the park was a little hot on the slides. Not my most favorite food but still a good time with my daughter. Then I had previously proposed a movie, however Abby wanted to go to the store shopping and to have me buy her a new toy. I gave her the choice of spending the money I would have spent on a movie for the toy or we could just go to the movie. She of course as most 5 year old children do choose a toy. Then after buying the toy she wanted to go to a movie. HA! I conquered and did not give in to a movie also. Instead we went home to take a nap. That was my favorite part of the day was my nap.

I have found the naps that are far and few in between, have been a re-generator for my creativity. It seems to spur on the idea's that come to my mind, maybe because my mind is a bit more clear. So if you seem to be in a creative rut... Might I suggest a nap!? It's good for the mind and the body.

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